
2017年11月13日—Windows7ProisalmostidenticaltoWindows7HomePremium,exceptthattheProversionhasafewextrafunctions,e.g.theTerminalServer ...,Asyouknow,Windows7isavailableinatotalofsixdifferenteditions:Starter,HomeBasic,HomePremium,Professional,EnterpriseandUltimate.,ItincludesallofthefeaturesofWindows7HomePremiumandProfessionalwhilealsoaddingadditionalfeaturestobefeature-completewithWindows7 ...,20...

Downgrading from Windows 7 Pro to Windows 7 Home ...

2017年11月13日 — Windows 7 Pro is almost identical to Windows 7 Home Premium, except that the Pro version has a few extra functions, e.g. the Terminal Server ...

Windows 7 Home Premium vs Professional vs Ultimate Edition

As you know, Windows 7 is available in a total of six different editions: Starter, Home Basic, Home Premium, Professional, Enterprise and Ultimate.

Windows 7 editions

It includes all of the features of Windows 7 Home Premium and Professional while also adding additional features to be feature-complete with Windows 7 ...

Difference between Windows 7 Home, Professional and ...

2011年12月6日 — Home Premium can only be a client for Remote Desktop (can only be connected to from another machine). With Professional and Ultimate you can use ...

Windows 7 Home Premium vs. Professional

The retail price for Windows 7 Home Premium is $119.99 for an upgrade license and $199.99 for a new license. For Windows 7 Professional, the price is $199.99 ...

Windows 7 Home Premium vs Professional vs Ultimate ...

As you know, Windows 7 available in a total of six different editions: Starter, Home Basic, Home Premium, Professional, Enterprise and Ultimate editions.

Windows 7: The Six Versions Explained

2009年2月26日 — Also available worldwide, to OEMs and in retail, Windows 7 Professional has the features of Home Premium, but with added networking and data ...

What is the main difference between Windows 7 Home ...

2011年8月16日 — premium. Professional version has more feature that provide better network connections for sharing work and , remote PC wake up, HDD encryptions ...

Do you need more than Windows 7 Home Premium?

2009年6月29日 — MEMORY Windows 7 Home Premium supports a maximum of 16GB of installed RAM, whereas Professional and Ultimate can address a maximum of 192GB of ...

Windows 7版本列表

Windows 7 家用進階版(Home Premium) 編輯. 家用進階版主要是針對家用主流電腦 ... ^ All Windows 7 Versions--What You Need to Know - Windows 7 Professional.